Tis the season!!
The Christmas season brings excitement, but we needn't get too wrapped up in the receiving gifts and eating cookies nonsense.. we must remember the true meaning of Christmas.
God GAVE us his son on that night in Bethlehem,
the wise-men GAVE Jesus gifts,
Jesus GAVE up his life in heaven for one of suffering,
and finally he GAVE his life for our salvation....
see the trend here? No?
let me GIVE you a hint....
Tis the season of giving.
I tried my best to get into the giving spirit this year.
Helping pack boxes for families who may no be able to afford Christmas dinner can be a great way to give back to your community. Its also a lot of fun!!
Also, not pictured is adopt a family, the look on the kids faces when they received all those presents didn't even top the gasp of excitement when we brought in the groceries.
I decided to mostly hand make all my gifts this year...It made it all the more special!!!
I gave my great-grandma a jar that i had made into a pin cushion that she could keep some sewing supplies in. |
I I got even more creative with the other gifts, I decided to try Crayon art!!!
for the last gift I recycled an old gift bag and stuffing and made them into wrapping paper and bow..
cute!!! i can completely 100% say that i love giving on Christmas waaay more than receiving .. try it, You'll thank me later!