As I walked into history class and set my lunch down on the empty desk across from me I quickly got working on the mountain of worksheets that were assigned to be due at the end of class. I was still working a few minutes before the bell and was so focused that I didn't realize that the class discussion was about how these boys ate a lunch that someone left in the classroom. Of course it was not JUST anyone's lunch, it was mine. When I realized the location of my missing lunch, I acted like I was not bothered. I quickly walked to my next class because I did not want to bring attention to the fact that I was inadvertently the topic of the class discussion.
In reality I was appalled at the lack of respect for the property of other people, what would make people think it would be okay to eat someone's lunch? Whether they left it in the class or not, they would have most certainly returned to get it once they realized their mistake.
I kept thinking about what would have happened if it wasn't my lunch and the poor kid could not afford to replace the food and had to skip a meal because someone thought it would be funny to eat the lunch.
It wasn't until a few weeks later that I learned that:
God uses our experiences to impact others.
Today in yearbook class I overheard a discussion that seemed all too familiar:
"who's is it?"
"I don't know, Its been here all class period"
"should we eat it?"
I stood up. I explained how my lunch had been eaten and how it had ruined my day, and that the kid would most likely be back once he/she realized it was missing. I saved a kids lunch that day. Not on my own of course, for if that hadn't happened to me only a short while before, I would not have even realized what was going on. And as small as a paper sack of food may be, I have a feeling that God used it to make some kid's day a tiny bit better.
Sometimes it takes experiencing something first hand to open our eyes to how it effects others. Often we wonder why we go through the things we do, why God allows good people to go through hard things. Through this experience, I learned that God uses these trials(yes even the small things like getting your lunch stolen) to impact the lives of others.
whether having lost a child, or lost a lunch, someone around you is probably going through something similar. Open your eyes and use that experience to make an impact. Now GO and see how God uses the tough things in your life to impact someone else!
Monday, April 29, 2013
Monday, April 22, 2013
Budding Dreams
As spring comes and passes, my dreams bud with the flowers.
As a child and growing up, I wanted to be a teacher. I loved the feeling I got after teaching something to someone as they understood was so rewarding. But I was home-schooled and had yet to experience the public schooling system. I enrolled in public school in the 7th grade, it was there in the public schools I discovered the disrespect of students and just how awful teachers have it. I decided that wasn't really what I wanted.
Somewhere between these years, I got really into Photography and decided that was what I wanted to pursue. I figured I would major in business and photography so I could start a free-lance photography business, and If things didn't work out, I would have the business degree to fall back on. This was my plan for quite sometime, but recently I had been getting sort of discontent with photography, don't get me wrong, I still had a passion and a love for it, I just felt like it wasn't enough, just being a photographer. Looking back, I think It was God preparing me for the fact that he may have other plans for my life.
I am a very shy, reserved person. I have trouble gaining the courage to step in front of anyone to speak, sing, or even introduce myself. One recent Wednesday our youth pastor, Dave, decided he would have us teach. We were each given a small group of Jr. High students and a list of questions to discuss. I was terrified. But, with God's help I made it through and it went very well. We also played a game which was built with a lot of leadership training. After Jr. High, Dave asked that we now lead the High school students in the same discussion.. I was petrified. Most of these kids were older than me and I did not feel I was adequate to be leading, but I stepped out of my comfort zone, trusting completely in Christ to give me the right words. At the end of the night I felt totally filled by the spirit. It built my confidence in several ways. I wasn't as nervous as usual while singing either. It was as if God was holding my hand all night! The best feeling ever!
The weeks after were joyous. I was having trouble, but I would pray and God would take care of it. I was having issues balancing school, church, and home life, but as I began to put God first and just give it all to him, he gave me extra time for school and chores. none of the bad went away, God just helped me to see it with a joy in him, and he helped sort out the details. It was so neat seeing God work.
As the regular church mission trip to Equador came around, I felt compelled to sign up. I remember how great of an experience the trip to Montana had been and I wanted to be a part of that again. I still was unsure of why I had become so Interested in missions, I would have never thought I would/could ever do something like that.
My friend Tiffany goes to Zambia sometimes to help run a girls self-esteem camp. One day I sent her an email asking if next time she made the trip I could go with her. I have no Idea why I asked, I've never wanted to be a missionary, but something just compelled me to ask if I could go.
The next week at Youth Group Dave told us a missionary from Africa had come to speak with us about missions. After the meeting, I turned to my mom and told her about Tiffany agreeing to take me with her to Zambia. She had this weird smile and replied:
At the end of the night, I felt like the light bulb came on! That's what he wanted me to do. I WAS supposed to teach, but over in Africa where they hunger to learn, not here. I still wasn't sure if that was what God wanted for me, or if I was just excited by Sarah's speech and wanted it for myself.
I cannot remember if I prayed for God to reveal His will, but I'm certain He did.
As I drove home that night, pondering all of this new information, I began to hear what was on the radio...
and it was this song:
I was blown away! and continuously this song seemed to play every time I was in the car.
Ever since I started blogging, back in the beginning, I've been following Katie's blog. I thought her story was so neat and inspiring, but it didn't really sink in what she was doing. After God began bringing all of these new hopes into my life, it finally made sense. This girl is doing and blogging about exactly what I want to be doing! I knew I had to read her book, but I didn't have it yet, so I decided to watch all of her videos on YouTube.
They always bring me to tears, because her heart is so beautiful, and I know that is what God wants me doing; loving and teaching those little children.
All my life I've wanted to be a mother. But, being completely honest with you, I've always been terrified. Adoption has always lingered there in the back of my heart, so seeing this, brought a smile to my soul.
I have started a new Bible Study called Foundations. It's purpose is to teach the basis of the Christian Faith and equip you to share it with others. It is led by the sweetest woman. I was talking to this leader, Mrs. Colvin, about this new desire God has given me to go teach in Africa. She was happy to hear, then she informed me that it was really neat because she planned on giving us all a book as we finished the class and she thought I would really enjoy it. I started thinking to myself..I wonder If it is the book Katie Davis had written about her ministry, but it couldn't be. At that moment, Mrs. Colvin asked if I had heard of the book "Kisses from Katie", of course I had. It was the exact book I had been longing to read, and now I cannot wait till the end of the class so I can have that book as my own.
For awhile now I've had a dream to travel overseas to England, Ireland, Scotland. I want to explore and take pictures. I guess you could call it my goal to visit after I graduate. Though I've always wanted to visit England, I was beginning to feel that Africa was where God wanted me most, so I sort of gave up the Idea of Europe.
I got called down to the school counselor one day to discuss my courses for next year, and She asked me where I planned on attending college. Although I never really had a strong idea which college I wanted to attend, I thought for sure I wanted to major in business and photography, that is until recently. I explained that I wasn't really sure which college, but I was thinking about business. Then, out of nowhere, I just felt compelled to add "..But now I'm not so sure, because I feel like God Is calling me to go teach in Africa."
She gave me this weird stare and smile, which I interpreted as "you are crazy to throw away your future like that" but what she said next surprised me completely! She explained how awesome she thought it was that I wanted to do that, and she told me that her daughter and her daughters husband are over in Africa right now, visiting their sponsor child, and how they were thinking about staying over there for awhile. I was ecstatic. She smiled, "It's so cool the way God works!" WOW!
Before I left her office she told me about one of our assistant principals, Mr. Metz, and how he was in school right now getting his degree so he could go over and start schools in Africa. Once again I am amazed by God, the perfect director of our lives.
Weekend before last, I attended a retreat with the women of our church. The speaker was really sweet and I wanted to buy her book on constant prayer. As I bought the book and walked up to her to have her sign it, we started talking, and the subject of missions came up. She told me about a friend of her's who sent her daughter to a really good missionary prep school over in England. It made me smile, Even though the school is most likely too expensive and far away, I was grateful to God. I believe he was rewarding me for letting go of my England trip before.
similarly, as I began to accept the fact that photography may not be the career that God has for me. I began to realize there are ways that I could use it to strengthen my ministry. For instance, I could use it to raise funds for my trips. I could take pictures and use them to raise awareness. Even start blogging about the work God is doing. I feel like God is really revealing the meaning of the verse in Luke to me.
Finally, While attending a concert this past Friday, I was presented the opportunity to sponsor a child overseas through Compassion. With the help of a friend and a very generous teacher, a little girl from Africa will be able to get food and an education. I am so excited to be able to write and get to know this little girl and It is my hope to one day get to meet her face to face and wrap her in my arms and tell her how much I love her, and how much more Jesus loves her.
This is my Journey, hope, and passion,
Here I am, Lord. Send me.

As a child and growing up, I wanted to be a teacher. I loved the feeling I got after teaching something to someone as they understood was so rewarding. But I was home-schooled and had yet to experience the public schooling system. I enrolled in public school in the 7th grade, it was there in the public schools I discovered the disrespect of students and just how awful teachers have it. I decided that wasn't really what I wanted.
Somewhere between these years, I got really into Photography and decided that was what I wanted to pursue. I figured I would major in business and photography so I could start a free-lance photography business, and If things didn't work out, I would have the business degree to fall back on. This was my plan for quite sometime, but recently I had been getting sort of discontent with photography, don't get me wrong, I still had a passion and a love for it, I just felt like it wasn't enough, just being a photographer. Looking back, I think It was God preparing me for the fact that he may have other plans for my life.
I am a very shy, reserved person. I have trouble gaining the courage to step in front of anyone to speak, sing, or even introduce myself. One recent Wednesday our youth pastor, Dave, decided he would have us teach. We were each given a small group of Jr. High students and a list of questions to discuss. I was terrified. But, with God's help I made it through and it went very well. We also played a game which was built with a lot of leadership training. After Jr. High, Dave asked that we now lead the High school students in the same discussion.. I was petrified. Most of these kids were older than me and I did not feel I was adequate to be leading, but I stepped out of my comfort zone, trusting completely in Christ to give me the right words. At the end of the night I felt totally filled by the spirit. It built my confidence in several ways. I wasn't as nervous as usual while singing either. It was as if God was holding my hand all night! The best feeling ever!
The weeks after were joyous. I was having trouble, but I would pray and God would take care of it. I was having issues balancing school, church, and home life, but as I began to put God first and just give it all to him, he gave me extra time for school and chores. none of the bad went away, God just helped me to see it with a joy in him, and he helped sort out the details. It was so neat seeing God work.
As the regular church mission trip to Equador came around, I felt compelled to sign up. I remember how great of an experience the trip to Montana had been and I wanted to be a part of that again. I still was unsure of why I had become so Interested in missions, I would have never thought I would/could ever do something like that.
My friend Tiffany goes to Zambia sometimes to help run a girls self-esteem camp. One day I sent her an email asking if next time she made the trip I could go with her. I have no Idea why I asked, I've never wanted to be a missionary, but something just compelled me to ask if I could go.
The next week at Youth Group Dave told us a missionary from Africa had come to speak with us about missions. After the meeting, I turned to my mom and told her about Tiffany agreeing to take me with her to Zambia. She had this weird smile and replied:
"That's so cool, I was praying today about missions, my heart has always been missions, but i'm not sure that will be a reality anytime soon, but God kept bringing you to mind and how great you would be at it. I think God has been preparing my heart for this."
but I still wasn't sure I wanted to "Be a missionary" I'm not brave, or bold or anything.As I sat and listened to Sara speak about her job teaching kids in Tanzania, I became drawn in. She talked about how God told her that's where he wanted her and he spoke to her, so I asked her how she knew it was God speaking to her and not just her heart, but I couldn't quite understand what she was describing.
At the end of the night, I felt like the light bulb came on! That's what he wanted me to do. I WAS supposed to teach, but over in Africa where they hunger to learn, not here. I still wasn't sure if that was what God wanted for me, or if I was just excited by Sarah's speech and wanted it for myself.
I cannot remember if I prayed for God to reveal His will, but I'm certain He did.
As I drove home that night, pondering all of this new information, I began to hear what was on the radio...
and it was this song:
I was blown away! and continuously this song seemed to play every time I was in the car.
Ever since I started blogging, back in the beginning, I've been following Katie's blog. I thought her story was so neat and inspiring, but it didn't really sink in what she was doing. After God began bringing all of these new hopes into my life, it finally made sense. This girl is doing and blogging about exactly what I want to be doing! I knew I had to read her book, but I didn't have it yet, so I decided to watch all of her videos on YouTube.
They always bring me to tears, because her heart is so beautiful, and I know that is what God wants me doing; loving and teaching those little children.
All my life I've wanted to be a mother. But, being completely honest with you, I've always been terrified. Adoption has always lingered there in the back of my heart, so seeing this, brought a smile to my soul.
I have started a new Bible Study called Foundations. It's purpose is to teach the basis of the Christian Faith and equip you to share it with others. It is led by the sweetest woman. I was talking to this leader, Mrs. Colvin, about this new desire God has given me to go teach in Africa. She was happy to hear, then she informed me that it was really neat because she planned on giving us all a book as we finished the class and she thought I would really enjoy it. I started thinking to myself..I wonder If it is the book Katie Davis had written about her ministry, but it couldn't be. At that moment, Mrs. Colvin asked if I had heard of the book "Kisses from Katie", of course I had. It was the exact book I had been longing to read, and now I cannot wait till the end of the class so I can have that book as my own.
For awhile now I've had a dream to travel overseas to England, Ireland, Scotland. I want to explore and take pictures. I guess you could call it my goal to visit after I graduate. Though I've always wanted to visit England, I was beginning to feel that Africa was where God wanted me most, so I sort of gave up the Idea of Europe.
I got called down to the school counselor one day to discuss my courses for next year, and She asked me where I planned on attending college. Although I never really had a strong idea which college I wanted to attend, I thought for sure I wanted to major in business and photography, that is until recently. I explained that I wasn't really sure which college, but I was thinking about business. Then, out of nowhere, I just felt compelled to add "..But now I'm not so sure, because I feel like God Is calling me to go teach in Africa."
She gave me this weird stare and smile, which I interpreted as "you are crazy to throw away your future like that" but what she said next surprised me completely! She explained how awesome she thought it was that I wanted to do that, and she told me that her daughter and her daughters husband are over in Africa right now, visiting their sponsor child, and how they were thinking about staying over there for awhile. I was ecstatic. She smiled, "It's so cool the way God works!" WOW!
Before I left her office she told me about one of our assistant principals, Mr. Metz, and how he was in school right now getting his degree so he could go over and start schools in Africa. Once again I am amazed by God, the perfect director of our lives.
Weekend before last, I attended a retreat with the women of our church. The speaker was really sweet and I wanted to buy her book on constant prayer. As I bought the book and walked up to her to have her sign it, we started talking, and the subject of missions came up. She told me about a friend of her's who sent her daughter to a really good missionary prep school over in England. It made me smile, Even though the school is most likely too expensive and far away, I was grateful to God. I believe he was rewarding me for letting go of my England trip before.
similarly, as I began to accept the fact that photography may not be the career that God has for me. I began to realize there are ways that I could use it to strengthen my ministry. For instance, I could use it to raise funds for my trips. I could take pictures and use them to raise awareness. Even start blogging about the work God is doing. I feel like God is really revealing the meaning of the verse in Luke to me.
"But seek his kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well." -Luke 12:31As I start letting go of what I want and pursuing what He wants for me, He allows me the other things I wish for as well. I would have to be an idiot to say that none of this had to do with God, I believe 100% that this is something God is putting on my heart, and not just something I want, because truthfully, I would have never have chosen this for myself, but now I can hardly think of not going through with this. I am willing to follow whatever God has planned for my life. Whether over in Africa, or here in the U.S. I just want to serve him.
Finally, While attending a concert this past Friday, I was presented the opportunity to sponsor a child overseas through Compassion. With the help of a friend and a very generous teacher, a little girl from Africa will be able to get food and an education. I am so excited to be able to write and get to know this little girl and It is my hope to one day get to meet her face to face and wrap her in my arms and tell her how much I love her, and how much more Jesus loves her.
This is my Journey, hope, and passion,
Here I am, Lord. Send me.
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