Saturday, May 12, 2012


     Story time!
Okay so There is this guy i have been attracted to since school started, but i haven't really been into dating because i know that god will let me know when its the right time.
so I've been patient and have just been nice, but haven't really gotten a chance to get to know him. I have just been praying that God will do what he wants with the situation. That he will give me the opportunity if he wants us to be friends. Well we have been talking more recently, and my choir teacher announced that we are having a banquet, so i decided to ask him to go with me (as friends). I wasn't sure if he would think it was awkward that i asked or even if he had a girlfriend, but i figured the worst that could happen was that he would say no, or think i'm a freak. so i decided make this:

*Disclaimer.. I am not the person that would ask a guy out, ever. But since it was an invitation only banquet, there was no other way i would have been asked since i don't really know any guys in choir. i would have been fine going alone, but i felt a little nudge and i think it was gods doing..

anyway he seemed super pleased with the video and said yes.. i was so excited!!

I have a friend who is a cosmetologist, so she did my hair, and i borrowed every part of my outfit except my shoes which i bought with my own money that i earned from a recent photo shoot.

 so we had planned that we would all meet at my house and then carpool over to the banquet hall. we were all getting ready when David and his parents showed up. my mom still had a towel on her head,and i asked her to take it off, but she didn' yeah, she met his parents with a towel on her head..and we got creeper

 He brought my mom flowers

 And me a corsage.

 we took some group shots...

 he was being goofy and my mom took a picture,

then my aunt drove by and was waving and he was too polite not to wave, so my mom got this picture of his transition from serious to friendly.. haha

Our group was so much fun! 

 Good looking group

It was really cool because we went as friends, so it was really relaxed.
 The girls

At the banquet i won an award and i am now the choir historian (which is fancy for Photographer).
It was a great night, and i think it was a great opportunity for us to develop a friendship, which is much more important than dating. 

Love, felicity.

**He told me he had a girlfriend the day after the dance... I realized that he is not the man I should be attracted to. I was so blinded by my feelings that I did not see that he was not the godly man I want. I really think it is important to establish a friendship first so you can determine characters like this before hand. This is why I have decided to distance myself from him and pray that God will bring along the man he wants for me. One that will respect me and love God more than anything else.

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