Freedom must be the greatest thing on earth!!
I absolutely love being able to get somewhere on my own.
The little homework dates with friends have been the best, They make me feel Independent and make me excited for college. I can already tell I am going to love this!!
Sunday I drove to church, stayed for music team practice, then drove into town for a job. After the job I went with a friend to dinner/lunch. It just felt nice being able to care for myself. I took myself around and fed myself.. almost an adult..

Thursday was the best!! After school, I dropped my friend Anna off at her parent's work and then I went and Picked my sister up from school. We went to walmart and I picked up some of the things I needed for an upcoming job. Then we went out to lunch and had a sister date. So sweet!! I really enjoyed the one on one and being able to hang out with my sister and do something nice for her.
After our meal we went to the library to spend time before heading to pick up the other two kids from practice. We looked at books and got a couple, she loves checking them out herself, so I let her. After picking the kids up, we headed home and I hurried to pack for the weekend trip out of town for my first wedding shoot!!
I feel like I am actually getting prepared for life little by little, It feels great, but a little scary.
God bless.
Love, Felicity
AHH! I am so excited you have reached another milestone. It is scary, and I pray God will keep you safe and will give you wisdom but ultimately I know He holds you!