Monday, November 5, 2012

sweet little sunday

It was a sweet little Sunday with perfect plans.
After church and music team practice I was to go over to a friend's and have a fun little photo-shoot.
We were discussing ideas for shots when she mentioned that her sister had a couple mannequin heads in the attic from cosmetology school. I was thinking cool!! a couple heads would be fun to compose shots with...

Little did I know, "a couple" meant 24

We "headed" a friend's yard, sadly to say he wasn't home.

I love pointless, just for fun photo-shoots!! They are what bring a smile to my face and help me relax after a stressful week

How do you spend your sweet Sundays?


  1. I love to stop and look at your pictures, you are very creative.:) I like the mannequin heads and the almost eerie photo shoot.;)
    Keep on taking pictures, they are awesome!

    1. thank you!! I didn't know anyone liked my stuff.. Thanks for the comment, it meant a lot! Thanks for making my day

  2. Replies
    1. hey! haha yeah they are, maybe ill head your yard next.. :) thanks for hanging out with me!
