Tuesday, January 8, 2013

attic adventure


One of the things on my bucket list was exploring the attic and cleaning the old records, I sort of documented  it, but not much because it was dark and i had to do a lot of climbing and crawling. 

I found this old thing.. so huge!! 

I crawled through som crevices, got stabbed in the back by some nails, and got covered in dirt and insulation. But i found some pretty great treasures, so i guess it was worth it..

I also went to the barn to grab those records i had seen before, but it was dark and totally creepy!! I was doing fine until i heard coyotes that sounded like they were screaming, then i freaked out, dropped everything, and ran to my car... i eventually got out and grabbed the records and drove home.. it was quite the adventure.

I survived the first day of school.. But i am so exhausted that i cant think straight, let alone write..so this is gonna hafta be the end. goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha, adventures to the barn make for interesting phone calls!! :) I'm glad you went attic exploring, it meant we got to look through all the records and play a couple at the Daniels. Funnn!!!
