Sunday, July 21, 2013

Hello out there!

Hey. It's late and I'm awake.

 I was just thinking about life and all it includes. Well all it has included for me. I don't know... You know, people could go around sulking and being upset all the time; mourning over their past. But I choose to learn from mine. I've learned the power of forgiveness, the cost of selfishness, and the affect of manipulation. But I don't wanna sit around and mope about it; I want to love, help, act. I wanna use my story to better the lives of others. I wanna start today. 

As a side note, I would like to know if you read my blog, check in occasionally, or follow via email. Please leave me a comment letting me know if you stop by. I wanna know if people actually read these awkward ramblings of mine. Thanks so much! 

I can't wait to upload some pictures. I have been working on photography a little, but I miss it. Be keeping an eye out for some posts soon with photos.  :)


  1. I read your blog I check in once or twice a week just to make sure I see if you posted anything because what you call awkward ramblings I call emotional, funny and inspirational story's of your life and they're amazing!

  2. I read your blog. I've been kinda out of the loop lately, but things should be getting back on track. I love seeing you pictures and reading your perspective.:) Keep on blogging!
