Thursday, October 18, 2012


So September the 28 was my 17th birthday...
It was a really great day and a sweet birthday.
First, I arrived at school early for an officer meeting and was greeted by a cookie cake, Nutella brownies, and coffee it started out pretty great. 
In first period I was forced to stand in front of the class to be sang to...and was greeted with this sweet surprise......

I was asked to please disregard the singing, so you should do the same :)

This was a COMPLETE shock, seeing as we don't talk much and I didn't think anyone would EVER ask ME to homecoming...

For lunch, my mom and a friend brought me lunch and came to eat with me, but they wouldn't allow B to come in, so we had to eat outside, but it was okay. It was so sweet of her to bring me food, I am so lucky to have her as a friend!!

This year my birthday fell on a pep-rally day, which was great because it meant every class was 5 minutes shorter. Our choir class got to sing the National Anthem, which was fun.

After school, I met up with B at the aquatic center where we left my car before heading to main street.
We stopped by TEAM and found a really pretty vintage dress that I fell in love with, but didn't end up getting because I didn't have the money.  I didn't end up leaving empty handed, I picked up a few children's  books for a local book drive. Eventually, we met up with a couple other friends at a cute little soda fountain..
This place was so adorable, It was set up like a picture from older movies, with a bar when you walk in, hand made milkshakes, sodas, and sundaes.  the menus were made out of records and there was even a free jukebox. A friend of mine works there and so I invited her tho join us all at my house after she got off work, and we finished hanging out in town. 

After the Ice-cream, we went to goodwill. we goofed off, playing with glasses, dancing to the music, and making videos of our mayhem. I didn't find a dress, but I did find a pair of adorable shoes for 3 dollars, so all was not lost :)

after goodwill, we headed to Kroger to buy groceries for the Taco Pie we planned on making for dinner. (It was so delicious!! I totally recommend it!)  After getting groceries, we drove back to my car. While collecting my things, I realized I no longer had my phone.. at some point between the soda shop and Kroger I had misplaced my phone..I calmly panicked. We searched through both cars, called the other girls to see if it was in their car. I quickly checked my backpack to no avail.. we then headed back to goodwill to check there. When we still found no luck we called the soda shop...still no.. By this time I was discouraged.. I had no idea where It could have been..I was for sure I didn't leave it in Kroger, but I guess It wouldn't hurt to look, plus I needed to get gas anyway.
First, I pulled On the wrong side of the pump. When we were searching for cars to buy, we looked at several that the gas cap was opened by a button in the car, So I spent 5 minutes looking for a button only to realize that the car I actually bought just had a normal cap..after pumping gas, I realized that a guy parked nearby had been watching me this whole time and prolly thought I was a freak.. I went and parked next to B who was checking my bag once more for the missing phone, she walked over to my window to inform me that I had left my gas cap off....oh dear.. I was just a Failure.. 
As she was checking my bag I started to explain how I always kept my phone in a specific pocket, and how i didn't know why it wasn't there.. I reached to check once more and clutching my fingers around a rectangle object...I busted out laughing..and then started yelling in the parking lot "Thank you Jesus!! Whoo! praise my Jesus!!" 

We headed home to finish up the taco pie and eat it. I was presented with a beautiful cake made by B. She made it look like my favorite food..Tacos!!

I believe that:
Meat-maybe Oreo/chocolate icing
Lettuce-coconut flakes, colored green
Sour cream-Marshmallow cream
Tomato-Strawberry Licorish sticks
Cheese-Flattened Starbursts

The rest of the night was spent goofing off and doing normal sleepover stuff..I felt 10 again... we braided hair, had a massage train, watched a movie and ate popcorn and had a sleepover on the living room floor....

If you look very carefully, you can see the top of B's head peaking creeping through the window..

Who could ask for better friends? Love you guys!!!

Love, Felicity.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


Freedom must be the greatest thing on earth!!
I absolutely love being able to get somewhere on my own.
The little homework dates with friends have been the best, They make me feel Independent and make me excited for college. I can already tell I am going to love this!!

Sunday I drove to church, stayed for music team practice, then drove into town for a job. After the job I went with a friend to dinner/lunch. It just felt nice being able to care for myself. I took myself around and fed myself.. almost an adult..

Thursday was the best!! After school, I dropped my friend Anna off at her parent's work and then I went and Picked my sister up from school. We went to walmart and I picked up some of the things I needed for an upcoming job. Then we went out to lunch and had a sister date. So sweet!! I really enjoyed the one on one and being able to hang out with my sister and do something nice for her. 

After our meal we went to the library to spend time before heading to pick up the other two kids from practice. We looked at books and got a couple, she loves checking them out herself, so I let her. After picking the kids up, we headed home and I hurried to pack for the weekend trip out of town for my first wedding shoot!!

I feel like I am actually getting prepared for life little by little, It feels great, but a little scary.

God bless. 
Love, Felicity

Monday, October 8, 2012


 Having my own car has been very nice, but whats a car without your license?

Finally the day of my big test had arrived!!

             It was a Monday a little before school got out, we headed up to the DPS to take my test. We arrived a little early so I could practice parallel parking before I went in. As soon as I walked I became overwhelmed with anxiety. I could feel myself wanting to cry, hoping I didn't fail and really excited with the idea of passing. 
             We walked up to the counter and I was a little worried because the lady was a bit mean. She got my fingerprints, looked over my papers, we paid, she took my picture (which looked awful!!), then it was time for the vision test. The problem was the tiny numbers kept moving. I tried so hard to get them right, but they were numbers like 5386 that all looked the same in block letters. I kept failing and failing, the lady finally got to the point where she said I may just have to reschedule after I replace my worn out contacts. But I had waited so long for this, I couldn't give up and go home, just because of old contacts, so I tried again. Finally I couldn't take it and let the tears of anxiety and frustration fall. It was quite embarrassing because I usually don't cry and especially not in public. 
             The lady felt bad and her mood automatically changed, she let me try again and with great effort I did get all of the numbers right and I was able to take my test. My DPS officer probably thought I was crazy for crying before she even was in the car, but I didn't really have time to worry, I HAD to pass the test. 
             I was doing very well and Was almost finished when we came to the stop-sign before you turn into the DPS for the finish. There was a railroad before the stop-sign and a truck with a trailer in front of me, and I stopped on the other side of the railroad to give the truck enough room to stop. He started moving forward so I pulled forward, but he stopped again, leaving me stuck on the railroad.....I apologized to the officer and was like "OH. NO." about five times, knowing she would fail me for sure.. she gave me the lecture..."any other officer would fail you, but because you knew exactly what you did wrong, and that truck did make it confusing, I'm gonna let it slide...You pass". Let me tell you..I wanted to hug that lady and say thank you a million times!!! I finally have reached the moment that I had been waiting for for as long as I can remember...I became a Legal driver.

The next day I bought my parking permit so that I can drive to school, and slowly It sank in that I am growing up...scary!!

My Plastic License came in the mail the other day and Im happy!! The picture it awful, but I can deal with it!!  Driving has been so much fun!! I love feeling independent and its even worth being the sibling taxi!! 

Praise God for nice DPS officers!!

Drive safely, 
Love, Felicity

Sunday, October 7, 2012


One night I was sitting on the couch, watching TV, It may have been the first weekend after school started. But My youngest sister wasn't home and I guess I figured that she had went over to my cousin's, so I didn't think anything of it when a strange vehicle pulled into our driveway at 8pm

My sister waltzes in and says in her best Bob Barker voice: "Dad's here with your NEW CAR!".

What?!? Is that what they were doing all this time? thinking back, I remember that she had gone to spend time out with him and they had gone to Mountasia, but instead of seeing a movie Anna decided that she wanted to help dad find me a car. They did and I love it!!

 Its a used 2003 Saturn and I named her Charlotte, or Charlie for short :)

Next step: getting my license.

God bless, and stay safe
Love, Felicity

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Anna Elizabeth

My little banana is growing up....I love her!!

Today I got the awesome opportunity to have a lunch date with my little sister. it was soo nice, I need to take her out for lunch more often!!