Tuesday, August 28, 2012

First Day

My Jr. year started Monday, and it was the worst first day ever. 

About a week or two ago we had orientation where we got our books, lockers, and combinations. Most students put their books in their locker so that they didn't have to bring them on the first day. 

Okay, so first day, I Showed my sister where to go to pick up her schedule, and was about to take her to her first class, when she noted that her locker and combination were different than that issued at orientation. I noticed mine was different as well, so we checked her new locker and it had someone else's books in it. We went to the counselor's office and asked about it, but they couldn't really help. Turns out, they got mixed up and issued everyone different lockers than those issued at orientation, therefore everyone had two lockers and two people were assigned to each one, causing missing and stolen textbooks. Thankfully nobody touched any of my stuff.  Really, the only bad thing about this for me, besides complete chaos, was the fact that I got switched from a top locker to a bottom one. The principal told us our lockers were off limits until they could fix the problem.* 

First Period is Teen leadership which is basically a speech class, with a little less speeches and a little more learning and building the qualities that make a good leader. I don't think this class will be hard, I just know I may struggle with it because I am so shy that I struggle even standing and saying my name in front of the class, let alone a speech.. So hopefully I don't faint. 

Second, I have history, which other than just being my hardest subject will probably go okay. I think I have a good teacher and hopefully I will be able to do better than usual in history because of it. I did notice however that my class is filled with the same immature students that picked on me last year, constantly (and deliberately) poking me despite my dislike for being touched. I mean I don't hate being touched too much, but those boys are perverts, therefore I do not trust them. And I don't let people I do not trust touch me. Also, we reviewed some 8th grade material....I felt so dumb!! I hope I don't do poorly. 

Third is Varsity choir (AKA Chorale), Which is a mixed gender choir. This is my first time in a mixed choir and I am super excited. Even while warming up, the sound produced was so full and AMAZING!! This is also my first time being in a choir with 5 voice parts, it certainly makes things more difficult, but the sound it creates is truly stunning. Oh, and I am Choir Historian which means I get to deal with all the photos and photo boards and stuff :) Also, I am finally a Jr., which means I can adopt my own choir freshman! Yay!!  We did start sight-reading the first day and I felt so lost, It was really challenging! I kinda feel like I shouldn't be in that class. I don't feel good enough for them.  

Fourth is yearbook, and I am so excited!! I am totally looking forward to this class. It is right up my alley and I'm super pumped!! The only thing I'm worried about is that I may be a little behind because I didn't take the prerequisite photography basics class. 

During all the morning confusion and old "friend" came up to me and told me how excited she was that we had the same lunch. Again. Unfortunately, this was not good news for me. We had had lunch together last year and there was one incident where she totally betrayed our friendship, hurting me and breaking our trust, but she didn't even notice how she pretty much just completely used me. She still thinks we are best friends (which we never were), but she really doesn't treat me like a friend. I don't have the heart to tell her, so I just continue to be nice and treat her as Jesus would.  Also, we are no longer allowed to have our phones at lunch. Probably because of all the cheating and fights over twitter and face-book that occurred last year. Which is so dumb and childlike. I don' t have lunch with any of my good friends or my sister, though my sister has lunch with a lot of my good friends including my Best friend, also most likely a consequence of my "excellent luck". 

Math class will be fine I think. I am taking a PAP math class for the first time ever and I'm a bit nervous. I think that its odd that there are hardly any Jr's in that class. It's all freshmen and sophomores, it makes me feel stupid. I have a good teacher, it's just that she talks sooo fast, and I'm really not that good at math, I was so stupid to take Pre AP math. 

Sixth period, my awful luck struck once again. My physics teacher is the same on I had at the beginning of last year for Chemistry.  He is the reason my grades started to drop..and as soon as I got switched out at semester, My grades shot up to high A's. I am so upset about this, last year he is the teacher that told us to ask our neighbor for help instead of him. He would give us wrong information then tell us the right info a day later to where we were so confused because it had already stuck in our brains the wrong way.. This year is gonna be very stretching for me. 

I have DC English seventh period. First of all, I have no teacher. My teacher got a bad pinched nerve in the back/neck area and is out for emergency surgery, so we shall have a substitute for 3ish weeks. Also, something I didn't realize, is that this is an English class based solely on writing.. and I am so very terrible at Writing.. and not only is this a writing class, It's a college class, so it's going to be really hard. I am scared for my life.. 

On a good  note, I have a good bus this year, it is not nearly as bad as last year.. That was awful, so awful. Once, we had a fight so bad that we almost got in a bad accident. But, this route is much calmer and shorter, and much more pleasant.  Though it wont matter for long because I will have my license next month(hopefully), and wont be on a bus anymore.

For dinner my mom made spaghetti, and we had dish duty.
 Literally, no lie, 3 seconds into starting the dishes, I broke a plate.. and It wasn't even in a normal way, It didn't slip, I didn't drop it, It just hit the side of the sink... that sounds abut right for how my day had been going. And finally, I got my finger caught in the side of the dishwasher drawer, so that when I closed it, my finger was pinched and slammed.. So yeah, It was not a great start to my year, and I already cannot wait until summer!!

But you know what, It's okay because I know that God won't give me what I can't handle. Even though I am super disappointed about my circumstances, I know God had a reason he put me in them, and obviously He  thinks I need to build some Character.. I'm not going to lie, It's going to be a tough year, but I have faith that God will help me conquer it. 

Philippians 2 
 12 Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed--not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence--continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. 14 Do everything without complaining or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe 16 as you hold out the word of life--in order that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing. 17 But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. 18 So you too should be glad and rejoice with me.

Just take the Bible's advice, as should I. We should stop complaining about how terrible our day was and  think about what God is trying to teach us. And have joy in ALL circumstances.

How is God growing you?

God bless. 
Love, Felicity

*They did get the locker issue fixed today and I got my top locker back :)

Monday, August 27, 2012

I Am

At the end of the school year last year we did a unit on poetry. I absolutely love poetry and it's elegance, but the problem is I stink at writing it. But, given a guideline I found it easier to write well. Since I have been struggling to find things to post, I shall post some of my poems, but you can't judge, okay??

Here goes!
 I Am poem

I Am         5/11/12
I am quiet and strong
I wonder when He will come
I hear the piercing silence of wonder
I see the hope that tomorrow promises
I want to be accepted
I am quiet and strong

I pretend to be happy
I feel judgement
I touch contentment
I worry I'll never be loved
I cry when I'm misunderstood
I am quiet and strong

I understand He's always there
I say faith's important
I dream I'll be rescued
I try to be good enough
I hope I never forget that I won't
I am quiet and strong

Well ya, That's about it. Goodbye for now.

God Bless!
Love, Felicity

Sunday, August 26, 2012


OH MY GOODNESS!!! It's the last day of summer!! I'm so scared!! AAAAHHHHHH anxiety attack!
I don't like the first day of school at all because everything's foreign and usually we play all these icebreakers and such (i'm super shy, so I hate those types of things).  Also, I'm not ready to hear about everyone's drama everyday..blegh.  Lunch is also super awkward because you don't know who all has your lunch and I usually end up sitting alone for the first week like a loser until I find someone who shares my lunch...This year I am required to take a speech-like class called teen leadership and I'M FREAKING OUT about it!! I cannot speak In public or that kind of thing, and I'm thinking I might DIE!!! oh my goodness, om really having a mini panic attack behind the computer right now. (good thing you can't see).

well on a good note, this summer was great, I made new friends, and great opportunities..

I have to get to bed.

Have a great school year!!
God Bless, and happy last night before school.
love, Felicity

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The Sister

In early July I did a random shoot with my sister, I believe it was the first shoot she allowed me to do with her, which is odd since she is super pretty.. but yeah. it was fun!

 I took a couple random shots which I plan on transforming
 into something more like this:

  My sister is so Gorgeous!!!! I wish she would do shoots more often. oh well

God bless!
Love, Felicity

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I made this list of attributes because when I find a guy I like, I don't want to be blinded by attraction, I want to focus on long term. So when caught up in the feelings of a crush, I shall refer to this list of things I look for in a guy and see if they match up. Now obviously, some of these things are minor (plays an instrument), but I wanted to add them so that when God brings me my perfect guy, I can look back to see how God fulfilled my list. Here is the list I made of things I look for in a future spouse.

  • Loves God more than me
  • Doesn't need me to change him
  • Doesn't need to change me
  • Loves kids
  • Plays an instrument
  • Sings
  • Doesn't drink or do drugs
  • Will dance with me
  • Will love me as I am
  • Patient
  • Hard worker
  • Respect
  • Will care for me when I'm hurt or sick
  • Writes me letters
  • Loyal
  • Respects his parents
  • Will ask my parents permission to date me
  • Supports my work/hobbies
  • Will have a quite time with me
  • Willing to admit he's wrong
  • Willing to be corrected (even by me)
  • Kind
  • Keeps a positive outlook
  • Funny/makes me laugh
  • Humble
  • Forgiving
  • Will give me a hug when I want to cry.
  • Wants to stay pure
  • Is saving himself for his future wife
I encourage you to make a list before you fall into the feelings of attraction, so that when you find a guy, you have a guide to keep you on track.
Let me know how it works out!! 
May God Bless your relationships!
Love, Felicity

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Mystic Mountain


                                                      Wonderful Wonder by Poet Voices on Grooveshark

 On Thursday of camp week we set off on an adventure to Enchanted Rock. (Or as some campers called it "Mystic/Magic Mountain)

It was a perfect day, there was slight wind, and the sun only peaked through the clouds.

I really like this shot for some reason

road runner

so you cant really see, but all of those black dots are spiders.. the cave was infested

I can just not get over how pretty of a view there was...ahhhhhh!!!!

She did not inform me that she was going to attempt this, so I  kind of freaked out a lot considering the fact of  If  she dropped me, I may have rolled down the giant rock.

We found a dead porcupine

I had no idea they were so huge!!

Once again...So amazing!!

God Bless!
Love, Felicity