Monday, February 20, 2012

Oh How I Love You, Dear Weekend

I had an absolute blast this weekend!! 

To start off, I went to a church retreat from Friday to Sunday.
It was a lot of fun, spending time with God, friends, and having an awesome time. 

Then, my friend from out of town came over and we pitched a tent down by our lake.
We stayed up late, light painting, playing games, and goofing off.
 The next morning we hung out until around 3:23 when we went to the park where we waited for our other friend to arrive. He was really late, so we played basketball and took pictures until he FINALLY showed up.
Eventually we came back to my Casa and spent a very long time doing nothing while trying to decide what to do. We Played board games until they left. 
It's always really sad to see them leave because I never know the next time they will be in far we have only really gotten to hang out on long weekends..I hope there is another one soon! I miss you guys already. 

Sorry this post is so lifeless, I will Post about the specific events soon..with pictures :)
Love, Felicity

1 comment:

  1. I love your precise time. I am also so glad that the weekend went well, and I am sure God will bring about another opportunity to spend with your friends. :)
